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Rolls Royce Cullinan Armored and Stretched cars +1016mm n° interno:Stretched_+600mm
durabilidade em km: 10 km
combustível: aditiva
potência: 441 kW / 600 cv
cilindrada: 6.749 ccm
cor: preta
cor dos bancos: multicor
caixa de câmbio: automático
categoria: veículo para todo terreno
tipo do veículo: carros novos
velocidades ou marchas: 9
cilindro: 12
portas: 4
Consumption: 15,2 l/100 km (comb.)*
22,8 l/100 km (urban)*
10,8 l/100 km (extra-urban)*
Co2 emission: 349 g/km*
Energieeffizienz: G
Jahressteuer: 349 €
Kraftstoffkosten: 4338.08 € auf 20.000km

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* You can find more information on mileage and amount of CO2 emission of new motor cars in the official German "Compendium of Mileage and CO2 Emission of New Motor Cars". This free of charge compendium is available at all points of sales and at the German "Automobil Treuhand GmbH" at
equipamentos importantes
Xenon, revestimentos dos bancos: couro, sistema de navegação, computador de bordo, volante multifuncional, sistema Parktronic (PTS), sensor para chuvas, distronic, CD, sistema de som, radio, Tempomat, levantador elétrico de janela (duplo), bancos dianteiros elétrico-ajustáveis, assento do motorista eletro-ajustável, banco com aquecimento dianteiro, banco com aquecimento traseiro, pára-brisas frontal com aquecimento, aquecimento independente ou auxiliar, retrovisor eletro-ajustável, retrovisor automático quebra-luz, airbag do motorista, airbag do acompanhante, airbag para cabeça, dispositivo de alarme, fecho central (com controle remoto), sistema de imobilização antifurto (eletrônico), rodas de metal leve/modelo especial, programa de estabilidade eletrônico(ESP), sistema antibloqueio (ABS), tração nas quatro rodas, faróis de neblina
todas características
airbag do acompanhante, airbag do motorista, airbag para cabeça

aquecedor do assento do motorista, aquecimento independente ou auxiliar, banco com aquecimento dianteiro, banco com aquecimento traseiro, levantador elétrico de janela (duplo)

dispositivo antifurto
dispositivo de alarme, fecho central (com controle remoto), sistema de imobilização antifurto (eletrônico)

Bluetooth, CD, Digitaler Radioempfang (DAB), Freisprecheinrichtung, MP3 Schnittstelle, TV, radio, sistema de som

espaço interior/assentos
assento do motorista eletro-ajustável, bancos dianteiros elétrico-ajustáveis, revestimentos dos bancos: couro, volante revestido a couro

retrovisor automático quebra-luz, retrovisor eletro-ajustável

Einparkautomatik (selbstlenkend), Einparkhilfe-Sensor hinten, Einparkhilfe-Sensor vorn, Headup Display, Lichtabblendautomatik, Reifendruckverlust-Warnung, Rückfahrkamera, Spurhalteassistent, Tempomat, computador de bordo, distronic, sistema Parktronic (PTS), sistema de navegação, volante multifuncional

BiXenon, Kurvenlicht/Abbiegelicht, LED - Tagfahrlicht, Tagfahrlicht, Xenon, faróis de neblina, limpador de faróis, sensor de iluminação

mecanismo de deslocamento/freios
amortecedor: ar, mecanismo de deslocamento desportivo, programa de estabilidade eletrônico(ESP), sistema antibloqueio (ABS), tração nas quatro rodas

rodas de metal leve/modelo especial

pára-brisas frontal com aquecimento, sensor para chuvas

anotações do vendedor

Facilitates the Global Delivery of Armored Vehicles to All Major Seaport & Airport. Wide Range Of Armored Vehicles. Unique Features & Performance. Get a Quote right away! Subscribe To Newsletter. In Business Since 2000. Request A Quote. , STANDHAFTE STAATSKAROSSE Rolls-Royce Cullinan geht in die Verlängerung Klassen macht aus dem Rolls-Royce Cullinan eine auf 6,36 Meter verlängerte Staatskarosse Ein Fahrzeugveredler aus Minden will den gerade erst vorgestellten und noch gar nicht ausgelieferten Rolls-Royce Cullinan nochmals größer, mit anderen Worten: ganz groß, rausbringen., Bei Klassen hat man sich auf das Verlängern und Panzern edler Luxusmobile spezialisiert. Als Krönung bietet das in Minden beheimatete Unternehmen künftig auch den neuen Rolls-Royce-SUV Cullinan in einer deutlich längeren und gegen Beschuss geschützten Version an. Dann werden auch weitere Details des um zwei Millionen Euro teuren Riesen-Rolls verraten. Darin, große SUVs noch größer zu machen, hat Klassen einschlägige Erfahrungen. Vorbild für den Cullinan ist der bereits zur Staatskarosse umgebaute Range Rover. Wie bei diesem Projekt wachsen auch beim Cullinan Radstand und Fahrzeugkörper um 1,02 Meter. Der neue SUV von Rolls-Royce erreicht damit eine Gesamtlänge von 6,36 Meter. Der entsprechend großzügig geschnittene Innenraum bietet viele Möglichkeiten der Veredelung, die Klassen in diesem Fall auf die Spitze treibt. Neben viel Leder oder einer Vis-à-vis-Bestuhlung sind ein iMac-Multimedia-Center, ein Soundsystem von B&O oder eine spezielle LED-Raumbeleuchtung möglich. Zusätzlich wird das Fahrzeug gepanzert. , The Rolls-Royce Cullinan is an already pretty sweet ride, but suppose you’re finding it a tad bit too short for your taste, Klassen’s got you covered. Gepanzerte SUV - Made in Germany Basierend auf Rolls-Royce Cullinan , Bombproof Rolls-Royce Cullinan limo If you looked at the new Rolls-Royce Cullinan and thought it wasn’t a) big, b) expensive or c) brash enough, then somewhat unbelievably, you’re not alone. This is a Cullinan limo, and if you’re still struggling to wrap your head around a Rolls SUV that looks so punchy, a version with an extra metre in its wheelbase is unlikely to change your opinion. Though you might actually argue it’s better proportioned, with some unkind corners of the internet suggesting the standard Cullinan looks a little bit like a black cab. No such accusations here, and this limo ratchets up the excess even further by offering armoured protection. This stretch Cullinan is the work of German company Klassen, and for the reasonable sum of, erm, 1.8million euros your XXL Rolls will come with level nine ballistic protection. Quite what that entails we don’t know, but it’s presumably more than enough for the average school run or tootle past Harrods. Whether ‘tootle’ is the right word when there’s still a 563bhp twin-turbo V12 on board, we’re not so sure. Expect the armour-plating to have made a dent in the standard Cullinan’s 155mph top speed, mind. As well as all the bombproofing, Klassen will add other luxuries, such as a panoramic glass roof, a Bang & Olufsen stereo and partition walls, should you want to shut out the humble driver up front. All of it is controllable via a phone app, too. Of course. Want one? If you have the requisite cash, it’ll take Klassen six months to build you one. ,
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* You can find more information on mileage and amount of CO2 emission of new motor cars in the official German "Compendium of Mileage and CO2 Emission of New Motor Cars". This free of charge compendium is available at all points of sales and at the German "Automobil Treuhand GmbH" at

direkte Ansprechpartner

Senhor Samuel Klassen Senhor Paul KLASSEN ®


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Rolls Royce Cullinan Armored and Stretched cars +1016mm n° interno:Stretched_+600mm
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Rolls Royce Cullinan Armored and Stretched cars +1016mm n° interno:Stretched_+600mm
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